it is not overstating to say that it is possible to obtain almost any kind of food needed in order to make kyoto cuisine here: kyoto vegetables called traditional vegetables , kyoto pickles , tofu , yuba (soy-milk skin ), fu (wheat-gluten bread ), eel , tsukudani (preserved food boiled down in soy sauce ), kamaboko (boiled fish paste ), dried fish , dried goods , tea , confectionery , bread , sushi , and so on . そのほか伝統野菜とも呼ばれる京野菜、京漬物・豆腐やゆば・麩・ウナギ・佃煮・蒲鉾・干物・乾物などから茶・菓子・パン・寿司まで京料理の食材はほとんどここで揃うといっても過言ではない。
it is not overstating to say that it is possible to obtain almost any kind of food needed in order to make kyoto cuisine here: kyoto vegetables called traditional vegetables , kyoto pickles , tofu , yuba (soy-milk skin ), fu (wheat-gluten bread ), eel , tsukudani (preserved food boiled down in soy sauce ), kamaboko (boiled fish paste ), dried fish , dried goods , tea , confectionery , bread , sushi , and so on . そのほか伝統野菜とも呼ばれる京野菜、京漬物・豆腐やゆば・麩・ウナギ・佃煮・蒲鉾・干物・乾物などから茶・菓子・パン・寿司まで京料理の食材はほとんどここで揃うといっても過言ではない。
nishiki market is a shopping street which is on nishikikoji-dori street between ' teramachi-dori street and takakura-dori street ,' and approximately located in the center of kyoto city; there are a lot of long-established stores and specialty stores that sell fresh foods like fish and kyoto vegetables , and processed foods such as dried goods , tsukemono (japanese pickled vegetables ), and obanzai (precooked food in kyoto dialect ). 錦市場(にしき いちば)は、京都市街ほぼ中央に位置する錦小路通のうち「寺町通 - 高倉通」間の商店街で、魚・京野菜などの生鮮食品食材や、乾物・漬物・おばんざい(京都言葉で日常の惣菜)などの加工食品を商う老舗・専門店が集まる市場。
dried: dried 干 ほし 乾 ほし by goods: 貨物列車で goods: goods n. pl. 商品, 品物; 《英》 貨物; 動産. 【動詞+】 I beg you to accept the goods gratis in this case. 今回はこの品物をどうぞお収めください(代金は申し受けません) advertise goods for sale 商品販売の広告を出す bequeath sb all one's it goods: IT 関連{かんれん}商品{しょうひん}[製品{せいひん}] to goods: 借方記入事項に air dried: {名} : air-dried: {名} : 風乾{ふうかん} air-dried...: air-dried... 風乾[化学] blow dried: {形} : blow-dried: {形} : 髪をドライヤーでブローした、表面{ひょうめん}だけを取り繕った、うわべを取り繕った cut and dried: {形} : cut-and-dried: cut-and-dried 無味乾燥 むみかんそう dried 1: {形} : 乾いた、乾燥{かんそう}した Dried fruit is a healthy snack. ドライフルーツは健康的な軽食だ。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【レベル】4、【発音】dra'id、【@】ドライド dried 2 {名} : 〈米俗〉禁酒dried albumen: 乾燥卵白{かんそう らんぱく} dried alum: 焼ミョウバン